Town of Sharon Planning Board

Meeting Minutes of 6/20/07

Amended and Approved on 7/11/07



Planning Board Attendees

Eli Hauser - Chair

Paul Lauenstein

Arnold Cohen – Vice Chair

Amanda Sloan

Susan Price - Clerk



Peter O’Cain, Assistant Town Engineer, Consultant - Absent



Gleybson Paixao (Cleaners)

Kevin Rains (17 P.O. Square)

Alice Cheyer



Meeting Initiation

The meeting was called to order at 7:45 PM by Vice Chair Arnold Cohen.


Mr. Cohen read the Chair’s Report until Mr. Hauser’s arrival.


Sign Review

A sign request for the dry cleaning/tailor business located at 31 South Main Street was received from Gleybson Paixao. After review of the plans by the Board, Mr. Lauenstein moved to approve the wall sign (13 feet by 2 feet) and the freestanding sign (4 feet by 1.5 feet) on the condition that a Benjamin Moore historical blue color be used for the sign. Mr. Cohen seconded the motion and the Board voted 4-0-0 in favor.


­­­Meeting Minutes

The Board reviewed the draft meeting minutes from 6/6/07. Mr. Cohen made a motion to approve the meeting minutes of 6/6/07 as amended and Mrs. Price seconded the motion. The Board voted 5-0-0 in favor.


Inclusionary Zoning Bylaw

Mr. Lauenstein discussed the proposal by Tom Houston to help draft the Inclusionary Zoning Bylaw. The price quoted of $4,400 may not be exceeded without prior authorization. Mr. Lauenstein stated his opinion that Mr. Houston is uniquely qualified to perform the work and it is his judgment to accept the proposal. Mr. Cohen moved that the Planning Board endorse the proposed agreement from Tom Houston of PSC. Mrs. Price seconded the motion and the Board voted 5-0-0 in favor.


The Board discussed Inclusionary Zoning in general terms and what needs to be discussed with Tom Houston.


Lot Shape Bylaw

Mrs. Price provided the Board with a draft of Lot Shape amendments that she prepared. Mr. Hauser said examples are needed to see how Mrs. Price’s proposal would work and stated he would like to test the draft against the Eisenhower Extension subdivision lots. He suggested formatting the draft into a table with each recommendation and adding columns for purpose and comments. Mrs. Price agreed to the format and will email an updated version to the Board members for comment.




Sharon Mart

Kevin Rains, owner of Sharon Mart, came before the Board to discuss exterior changes to his property located at 17 P.O. Square as stated on the plan for proposed exterior renovation under RRM Realty dated 6/5/07. Mr. Cohen recused himself from the discussion and vote due to his affiliation with the applicant.  Mr. Rains stated he met with the Revitalization Committee who approved his drawings and had also spoken to Joe Kent, Building Inspector, who wanted some material changes incorporated. Mr. Rains provided a sketch of the exterior modifications with color samples from the California paints historical color collection. He will be installing new windows with bronze vertical framing. At present there is no lighting or landscaping plan. Mr. O’Cain pointed out that room needs to be left for a sign. The parking lot will be re-asphalted. Mr. Hauser said that in his opinion, he would like the concrete walk to be enhanced and the hardscape be changed to tie the building to the street with the objective of making the building compatible with P.O. Square. Mr. O’Cain will provide the site plan to Mr. Rains to try and accommodate “hardscape” or “landscape”. 


Mr. Lauenstein suggested that a park might be the highest and best use of the site, given the traffic impacts of conducting business there. He pointed out that the cost of the renovations proposed by Mr. Rains would be speculative. He asked Mr. Rains to consider offering the parcel for sale to the Town.


Mr. Lauenstein moved to approve applicant Kevin Rains’ proposed modifications under section 6335 of the Zoning Bylaws of the Town of Sharon as compliant with criteria 1, 2, 3 but subject to presentation to the Board of the landscape/hardscape plan by August 1st for criterion #4 under section 6335. The sign review as requested under section 6335 section 5 is open ended until a tenant exists. Ms. Sloan seconded the motion and the Board voted 4-0-0 in favor.


Other Business

Ms. Levitts will contact Roni Thaler regarding dates for submission of warrant articles for Town Meeting as well as the date of Town Meeting.


The next meeting is scheduled for July 11th, 2007.


Mr. Cohen moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:40 PM and Mrs. Price seconded the motion. The Board voted 5-0-0 in favor.